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BABF10: Alone Again, Natura-Diddly
SEASON ELEVEN :: 23 Quotes
Homer: What if I have to do my business?
Lisa: Use this plastic bag!
Homer: Oh, how come bears can crap in the woods and I can't?
maude1.mp3    66kb 

Lisa: The Bird Sanctuary! They ruined it!
Homer: No they didn't! They just surrounded it with something wonderful. Like a raison covered in chocolate! Or a monkey in a cowboy suit!
maude2.mp3    85kb 

Parrot: Squaaak! Start your engines! Show us your boobs! Show us your boobs!
Homer: Better do what he says, Marge!
maude3.mp3    44kb
Lisa: That's very sweet, but we have a full day of hiking planned.
Homer: We can hike any time! This is our chance to see cars driving!
maude4.mp3    50kb
Ned: Hi-diddly-ho, peddle to the metal-o-philes!
Homer: Flanders? Since when do you like anything cool?
Ned: Well I don't care for the speed, but I can't get enough of that safety gear! Helmets, rollbars..
Maude: I like the fresh air! And looking at the poor people in the infield.
maude5.mp3    105kb
Brandine: Dang! Cletus, why'd you have to park by my parents?
Cletus: Now honey, it's my parents too!
maude6.mp3    80kb
Dr. Hibbert: Hmm, a Ford urinating on a Chevrolett.
Mrs. Hibbert: Don't you usually laugh at everything?
Dr. Hibbert: Yes... yes I do.
maude7.mp3    53kb 
Ralph: Mommy has bozoms like that!
Chief Wiggum: Yeah, I wish!
maude8.mp3    38kb 
Maude's Death Scene
maude9.mp3    121kb 
Marge: It's hard to believe we're never going to see Maude again!
Homer: And poor Ned didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Well from now on I'm never going to let you leave the room without telling you how much I love you and how truly special.. this is eating up a lot of time. Maybe just a pat on the butt. Yeah that worked.
maude10.mp3    126kb 
Rev. Lovejoy: In many ways Maude Flanders was a supporting player in our lives. She didn't grab our attention with memorable catch phrases or comical accents!
Willy: Aye!
Captain: Yarr!
Frink: Oh Glaven!
maude11.mp3    105kb 
Rev. Lovejoy: My friends, life is about change. Just yesterday Apu was a lonely bachelor.
Apu: Yes thank god those days are over.
Rev. Lovejoy: And the Van Houtens were enjoying a storybook marriage.
Kirk: Yeah, lots of storybooks have witches!
Pyro: Shut up, Kirk!
Kirk: Sorry!
maude12.mp3    117kb
Moe: Look Ned, I know we aint hung out much, what with your insane fear of drinking and me being banned from the church and all but eh, that Maude, she was really something.
Ned: Oh, wasn't she. Thankyou Moe, I really appreciate that.
Moe: I really mean it though, If it was you that died, I would have been on her so fast!
Ned: What are you saying!?
Moe: What, nothing, she was hot, what you can't take a compliment?
:ned punches him:
maude13.mp3    198kb 
Bart: Thanks guys, this really cheered me up!
Todd: Can we play now?
Bart: We are playing, we're a team!
Rod/Todd: Yaaaay!
maude14.mp3    71kb 

Ned: Homer, this really isn't necessary!
Homer: Those feelings are normal Ned. That's part of the process.. watch the sprinkler!
Ned: Hey! That's my sprinkler!
Homer: It's natural to feel that way. But the sprinkler is gone, it's time to let go.
Ned: I just bought that!
Homer: I know, I know, it's never easy!
maude15.mp3    117kb 

Ned: I can't believe my last words to Maude were "no foot longs"!
Homer: Yep. It would have been a lot better if you said I love you or you're special. You know, something sweet instead of that hot dog crap.
maude16.mp3    78kb 

Bart: Do you even have a job anymore?
Homer: I think it's pretty obvious that I don't!
maude17.mp3    34kb 

Chief Wiggum: Oh I would date Ned in a second if I was a woman or gay. He looks like a cuddler, that Ned. I like that. I like to be held, I like to be pampered.
maude18.mp3    72kb 

Ned: Dinner was delicous, Edna. But I can't shake the feeling that you're just using me to get Principal Skinner jealous.
Edna: Oh, please. I don't care what Mr. engaged to be engaged thinks. Hear that, Seymour?
Skinner: Edna, this is childish.
Edna: Fine, then hang up.
Skinner: I will hang up when he leaves!
maude19.mp3    135kb 

Homer: That's right Ned, those floozies we married in Vegas were crazy about you.
Marge: What floozies, what are you talking about?
Homer: Marge, we're trying to help Ned!
maude20.mp3    60kb 

Todd: Daddy, get up, you'll be late for church!
Ned: You boys can go with the Simpsons, I'm not going to church today. That's right. And I may not go to church tomorrow. No I'm not kidding. I'm gonna sit right here and miss church. You just watch!
-flash forwad, minutes later, in car-
Sorry sorry sorry sorry!
maude21.mp3    146kb 

Song: [ Book About A Man - Shawn Colvin (Rachel) ]
maude22.mp3    327kb 

Song: [ Variation of above, as played over the credits ]
maude23.mp3    85kb 

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